Then I will prepare an individual offer for you, including a framework training program, duration and suggested dates.

II. You don't know what specific training you need, but the development of your people is important to you. This is completely normal! I am here to help you define your business challenges, determine what effects you expect, and we will choose a topic and offer you training that will respond to the individual needs of your organization.

I. You are interested in a specific topic of the training I am conducting - next I will ask you a few additional questions that will allow me to understand the context and purpose of the training, we will talk about the target group and the expected effects after the training.

Let's talk about your training needs. When looking for training, you are probably in one of the two situations listed below:

What does cooperation on training projects look like?


The training sponsor receives a report from me with a summary of the activities carried out, an analysis of the evaluation questionnaires and suggestions regarding the training group and possible further supporting activities.

For 30 days after the end of the training, I am also available by e-mail in case of any questions the participants have after the training.

After the training, I provide participants with access to materials that facilitate implementation, as well as additional sources of inspiration in the covered topics.

On the day of the training, I focus on interesting and possibly easy-to-implement content, an appropriate mix of theory and practice, I make sure that each participant is engaged and leaves with feedback and an individual plan for implementing new skills.

If the offer requires further calibration, we will prepare a modification that will meet your expectations.



Presentation skills and effective communication


Check out sample topics:


The art of presentation and public speaking: interest, engage, be remembered!


Delivering engaging online presentations workshop


Persuasive communication with an internal customer


Storytelling in presentations and public speaking


Internal Trainer Academy: comprehensive preparation of trainers to conduct training within the organization



Haven't found the topic you're interested in?


Let's talk!

Watch who the speaking and presentation training is for  

Presentation skills and effective communication


Not only what we talk about, but also HOW we talk about it, is of great importance. Consciously or not, we use speaking and presentation skills every day.


I help you do it better: I specialize in online presentations and those that require standing in front of an audience. I teach persuasive communication, storytelling and the language of benefits.

Check out sample topics 



Leadership development


Check out sample topics:


Leadership Academy: comprehensive development programs for people preparing for a leadership roles.


Inspiring leadership 


Coaching management style


Leader's assertiveness: Conducting difficult conversations with employees.


Leadership in times of change: how to communicate and implement change that the team will follow?


Leader versus time: prioritization and organization of tasks as the key to good work organization


Situational leadership - will one style of people management allow us to achieve success as a leader?


The leader's role in building an effective team and overcoming teamwork dysfunctions


Feedback and behavior correction - how to effectively provide positive and negative feedback while taking care of relationships?



Haven't found the topic you're interested in?


Let's talk!

Check out sample topics 

Leadership development


Being a leader is not only a role, it also has a real impact on the quality of professional life of the people we manage.


Today's world poses many new challenges for leaders: I accompany them and help them develop skills that will help them cope better with these challenges.





Check out sample topics:




What makes it difficult for us to work effectively as a team? Overcoming the five dysfunctions of teamwork


Conflict management and team mediation


Team roles and the use of diversity of team styles


Work in intercultural teams


Workshops on creative problem solving or planning of strategic team activities



Haven't found the topic you're interested in?


Let's talk!



I help you understand and work through teamwork dysfunctions. I help teams reach a higher level of cooperation.


I build teams, lead teams through conflicts and facilitate brainstorming workshops.

Check out sample topics ​​​​​​​


Haven't found the topic you're interested in?


Let's talk!





Let's meet for a free 30-minute consultation.


I will prepare an individual offer for you.

I provide training and workshop support in 3 areas








Presentation skills and effective communication

Comprehensive solutions for organizations




Good training is not only about a good program or the knowledge and experience of the trainer


It is also the way of conveying the content, the trainer's personality and the ability to adapt to the organizational culture of a particular training group. Therefore, in my work, I care about both the highest quality of the content provided and the engaging atmosphere of the training sessions.


I listen to clients and, with the help of appropriate questions, help define training needs and plan appropriate development activities.

+48 606 759 880

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Beyond Training Karolina Safaryn-Girulska based in Chrząstawa Mała, ul. street Iglasta 7, 55-003 Czernica, NIP: 8982131534, REGON: 528211780. All rights reserved. Copying content and photos prohibited. Information obligation before consenting to data processing (see)Realization: