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LEARN about the offer ​​​​​​​




Choose when you are looking for a short, inspiring form for even several dozen employees at once

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Choose when you are looking for a personalized solution for individuals

LEARN about the offer 




Choose when you are looking for a comprehensive workshop for several people in your organization

How do I help?


Get to know me better


"Karolina has trained dozens of NetworkedAssets employees in the area of ​​conducting engaging online presentations, which translates into a much better quality of our presentations in the organization. In cooperation with Karolina, I especially appreciate her professionalism and great flexibility in building the training program to best suit our needs."


~ Marcin Tomków

Head of Employee Care | NetworkedAssets


"Trainings with Karolina are very practical, interactive, with a lot of examples, a lot of specifics, the trainer is able to keep the audience's attention and answers questions comprehensively. By far the best soft skill trainings I have participated in so far are those with Karolina."


~ Kamila Skrzypiec - Kociołek

Software Developer


"Karolina, as a trainer, cooperated with two companies managed by me, conducting training in the area of ​​team communication and team building. What I value in cooperation with Karolina is professionalism, commitment and the ability to flexibly adapt to our needs. The results of the training brought a visible improvement in efficiency and the atmosphere in the team."


~ Dariusz Obrocki

President of the Management Board | TIAS Legal & Accounting


"During twelve years of cooperation with Karolina, I had the opportunity to observe her as a trainer, consultant and manager. Karolina was a valued business partner for our internal clients, including international ones. As a trainer, she created and conducted effective, engaging and highly rated training programs for an organization with several thousand employees, and some The training courses she created were implemented at a global level for the entire organization.


~ Joanna Orkusz

Global Talent Development and Learning Leader EY GDS

What do clients say about me?




I support people in effectively taking on a leadership role; I help lead change and show how to be an inspiring leader for new times and business challenges.



I build teams, help them understand and use the diversity of operating styles and team roles, I help overcome teamwork dysfunctions.



I show how to speak so that we are listened to, I improve the quality of public speaking and presentations, I implement storytelling and the language of benefits in communication with the client.

How do I help?


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Let's talk!


Let's meet for a free 30-minute consultation.


I will help you clarify what activities and forms will be most effective for you. The meeting is non-binding - after the conversation you will decide whether you want to use my support.

Welcome to Beyond Training, my name is

Karolina Safaryn - Girulska


and I will help you develop skills that will improve the quality and effectiveness of people's activities in your organization.


Since 2011, I have been actively involved in the field of training and education. My knowledge and experience in people development is based on 3 specific experiences:

12 years of work

in an international organization in a Big Four company


mostly as a manager of the learning & development department, where I was responsible for the development strategy for several thousand employees in Poland and European locations.

5 years of managing

a non-governmental organization


where I created educational programs, coordinated projects and trained hundreds of third sector activists, developing their skills, including: project management, coaching, HR and training.

13 years of work

as a Freelancer, Trainer, Coach and lecturer


(including at WSB Meritum Wrocław or the University of Economics in Wrocław), as well as many courses and trainings preparing me for the role of a Trainer and Coach.

Welcome to Beyond Training, my name is

Karolina Safaryn - Girulska


and I will help you develop skills that will improve the quality and effectiveness of people's activities in your organization.


Since 2011, I have been actively involved in the field of training and education. My knowledge and experience in people development is based on 3 specific experiences:

12 years of work

in an international organization in a Big Four company


mostly as a manager of the learning & development department, where I was responsible for the development strategy for several thousand employees in Poland and European locations.

5 years of managing

a non-governmental organization


where I created educational programs, coordinated projects and trained hundreds of third sector activists, developing their skills, including: project management, coaching, HR and training.

13 years of work

as a Freelancer, Trainer, Coach and lecturer


(including at WSB Meritum Wrocław or the University of Economics in Wrocław), as well as many courses and trainings preparing me for the role of a Trainer and Coach.


development projects delivered



satisfied participants



training hours completed


I understand business. I understand people. I understand what makes training work or not.

My work style is 3xP:



GET TO KNOW me better  

I teach PRESENTATION SKILLS and persuasive communication  

I help improve TEAMWORK  

I DEVELOP LEADERS and prepare them for new challenges  

+48 606 759 880

Let's meet on social media!

Beyond Training Karolina Safaryn-Girulska based in Chrząstawa Mała, ul. street Iglasta 7, 55-003 Czernica, NIP: 8982131534, REGON: 528211780. All rights reserved. Copying content and photos prohibited. Information obligation before consenting to data processing (see)Realization: